Daily Devotion 8th September 2018

So that you know what I am doing, I am sending a faithful witness to tell you the story…

What a responsibility Tychicus has been given!  He has become the sharer of all he knows, has seen, and all that is burning within him: as well as the reality of what following the ‘Jesus-way’ involves.  He wasn’t the first to be the ‘story sharer’; he wasn’t the only witness; and we are proof that he wasn’t going to be the last.

I find myself reflecting if in our world context, there is a renewed call and need for us to witness, to tell of Jesus and to share the hope that burns within us?  After all, Jesus is not ours to lock away and make safe and if we are busy jealously hoarding him, surely we’ve got witnessing wrong?

How would our communities, our relationships, the places where we work and our front-line mission-fields be enlivened if the amazing hope of Jesus was invited to be an active, transformative part of the community’s shared narrative?

Like Paul, our hope and prayer for one another surely must be for “peace for the whole community and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ”.