URC Daily Devotion 19th August 2019

Paul’s boldly proclaims that he is unashamed of the Gospel.  “Gospel”, of course, means Good News. Why would anyone be ashamed of Good News?  When we receive our own good news, don’t we long to tell others about it, so that they can share in our excitement?
However, Paul is eager to share this good news with the people in Rome.  He wants them to be excited about a Jew, a common carpenter (as they might have seen Him), and one who suffered the indignity of crucifixion, the form of execution for the lowest and worst of criminals.  What is more, Jesus was killed in Jerusalem, an insignificant capital of an insignificant and remote Roman colony. How could this possibly represent good news to the fine people of Rome?
In these two verses, Paul sets out a summary of all he is about to explain at length and in detail.  The Gospel is the power of God to save all people who have faith – Jew, Gentile, citizen, slave, conquerors and vanquished alike.  We are all within God’s reach through faith in Jesus.