Psalm 103

Celebrating Life Square Wordle Green

When a friend or loved one dies, we often struggle to adapt to a new life without them. From the funeral through to anniversaries of their death, we can feel empty and perplexed weeks, months or years afterwards.

In a Christian Funeral or Thanksgiving – often soon after someone has died – we come together to celebrate the life of our loved one, and to focus on the Christian hope of eternal resurrection. We pray for loved ones and friends, and all who mourn, and ask God to receive our loved one into the gates of heaven. We can hear about the life of our friend, sing songs, listen to music, and have bible readings and poems that reflect our loved one.

Additionally, a memorial service can take place days or weeks later, sharing stories and taking opportunity to think about how we rebuild our lives without them with us. We can join as a family, or as a group of friends, to remember someone whose loss is still felt.

As a Church, we can help give opportunities for prayer and reflection, and for remembering our loved one. In early November we remember in our main Sunday service those people associated with the Church who have died in the last 12 months, and every month we remember the names recorded in our memorial book.

There is also an opportunity at Christmas for us to remember names of people whose loss is still felt, months and years later.

If you would like an opportunity to remember the life of a loved one, please contact us and we who will be happy to talk through the best way to celebrate a life.