Monday 19th November 2018

Unity does not just happen, we have to work at it.  In the United Reformed Church, unity is one of the core values and the gift it offers to the wider Body of Christ; unity with our brother and sister, unity with other denominations and unity with those people who we find it difficult to love, yet in Christ, all are one body.

Often differences among people can lead to division. Instead of focussing on what divides us, we should remember what unites us:

  • ONE Body
  • ONE Spirit
  • ONE Lord
  • ONE Faith
  • ONE Baptism  
  • ONE God

No one is ever going to be perfect here on earth, so we must accept and love other Christians in spite of their faults. This is difficult when we see and hear Christians in the media, who are directly in opposition to the Gospel values, and instead adhere to the “prosperity gospel” where the poor never get a mention.  

Unity is one of the Spirit’s gifts and, where She leads, we must be willing to follow. Each person has a special ability to strengthen the whole Body. This is the essence of Hilda’s ministry here on earth. In the midst of a world where women were struggling to find a foothold, Hilda came with her intellect, wit and wisdom to bring unity to a group of believers who needed a role model, and to unite two opposing cultures.  

Paul challenges each one of us today to live, worthy of the name ’Christian’ meaning Christ’s one. This includes being humble, gentle, patient, understanding and peaceful. People are watching how you live your life.

Can people see Christ in you?