Sunday’s Service

Sunday’s Service

Dear Friends,

over the last few days we have prepared worship for Sunday morning.  We are grateful to the Rev’d Michael Hopkins, minister of the Spire Church in Farnham, for preparing and recording a service so quickly.  It will be sent out to you, via email, at 10am on Sunday morning.  When you get the email you will see a large “click here” text at the top.  If you click there a new screen should appear with a direct link to the recording of the service.  At the bottom of that screen is the forward arrow symbol which you need to press to hear the recording.  If you then leave that playing and go back to the first window you will see the text of the service.  Simply scroll down to keep up.  There are three hymns to join in with and we’ve chosen well known, and uplifting ones, as we think this week we could all do with a bit of joy!  Don’t worry if you’d like to take part in the service a bit later – we chose 10am as that is when many churches meet – just listen to the recording whenever you wish.

Worship for Sunday 29th March is led by the Rev’d Phil Nevard and worship for Palm Sunday and Good Friday by myself.  The Rev’d Dr John Bradbury leads worship for Easter Sunday and this will include a chance to share bread and wine together – for that service it would be good if you have some bread and wine (or grape juice) ready before we start.    We have a team of people developing the services and will send these out every week in addition to the Daily Devotions which come every morning.  The services will continue until we can return to public worship again. 

This week we have also created a separate mailing list for people who would like advance copies of the service to print and burn to CD to give to people who don’t have Internet Access.  It is too late now to get this material for Sunday but if you would like to distribute this to others in your church in future weeks please sign up here.

We hope you find these resources useful and, in this worrying time, find some peace.  Our General Secretary, John Proctor recently wrote this prayer which I found very useful.  I hope you do too.

Lord Jesus,
In the midst of a storm, You said, ‘Peace be still.’
Bid our anxious fears subside,
sustain your Church in faith, hope and love,
bring our nation through this tumult,
grant wisdom to those with heavy responsibilities,
and healing and hope to those who are infected. Amen

with every good wish


The Rev’d Andy Braunston
Daily Devotions from the URC