Welcome to Church!

Revd Dave Herbert, Revd Helen Jary, Revd Louise Sanders, Dr Andrew Graydon. Image credit to Mr Chris Hales.

A new Minister for St. Andrew’s URC

On 29 July 2023 we were delighted to celebrate the ordination and induction of Revd Louise Sanders as Minister at St. Andrew’s URC. This followed Louise being called to preach with a view to becoming St. Andrew’s Minister and subsequently being accepted by St. Andrew’s Church Meeting, made up of all members of the church.

Louise had been in training at The Scottish College, though has many years of experience within the world of Ministry in the URC as she is married to Revd Julian Sanders, currently Minister at St. George’s URC in Morpeth.

In excess of 200 members of St. Andrew’s URC, St. Columba’s URC (North Shields) & St. George’s URC (Morpeth), friends from other churches and religious organisations, as well as family, friends and other dignitaries attended.

You can watch a recording of the service on our YouTube channel (search for monkseatonurc) or just follow this direct link: https://youtube.com/live/362_TyfSUkI

Regular Worship Times

Morning Worship each Sunday at 11am
Holy Communion on 1st Sunday at 11am
Praise Worship on 2nd Sunday at 9:30am
Prayer Group on 2nd Sunday at 10:15am
Morning Prayers on Tuesday at 10am

Sunday services are live streamed and available to watch later on our YouTube channel:

Open Door Coffee Mornings

Join us on Tuesday and Thursday mornings
10:30am-12noon for coffee and a chat in the foyer

Need a place to meet?

We’ve got space for activities large and small,
all available at very competitive prices.

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