URC Daily Devotion 4 May 2024

Reading  Romans 8:22  

For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now.


In Samoa, a profound connection exists between the Samoan people and mother nature. Through the lens of Samoan culture today’s selected verse resonates deeply with the interconnectedness of the Samoan people with our land, traditions, and spirituality. 

The idea presented is that creation itself is in a state of anticipation, much like the anticipation and preparation that precedes the birth of a child. For Samoans, land not only represents physical space but is also a living entity. This verse states the belief that land, too, undergoes a process of longing and anticipation for renewal and rebirth.

Samoan culture places a significant emphasis on communal living and shared responsibility, reflecting the interconnectedness of humanity with each other and with nature. This verse’s imagery of creation groaning together evokes a sense of shared struggle and a joined destiny that resonates with the communal spirit of Samoans.

The significance and blessings of childbirth adds layers of meaning to this verse. Birth is a sacred event, symbolising hope, renewal, and the continuity of generations to follow. The groaning of creation can be seen as a collective yearning for a new beginning. The spiritual realm of new beginnings or rebirth encompasses not only individuals but the entire family, village, church and community here in Samoa.

Romans 8:22, from my perspective being Samoan, highlights the belief that creation itself is intertwined with divine forces, undergoing a transformative process that reflects the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth in both the physical and spiritual realms. The supreme nature of God means that He rules over all things, the challenges of the modern world, our cultural roots, the sacredness of connection with the land, our people and the enduring hope for a collective renewal.


Lord, we pray that you continue to guide and protect us in our daily routines. We ask that you continue to teach us your way and how we are to respond to others. Help us to deal with challenges that we face, especially climate change. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.