Worship Notes for October & Creation Time Resources

Worship Notes for October & More Resources for Creationtide

Dear Friends,

The Worship Notes for September have been supplemented now with some extra resources for Creation Time.  The Worship Notes for October have now been loaded up too.  You can find them by going to urc.org.uk | Your Faith | Prayer and Worship | Worship Notes or by following this link.

Many churches observe a Season of Creation between the first Sunday of September and the first Sunday of October; in response to a call from the Ecumenical Patriarch several years ago to pray for, and tend, the natural world.  The Worship Notes for the first Sunday of September and the first Sunday of October follow this theme.  

The Joint Public Issues Team has put together a wide range of resources, suitable for all kinds of congregations. Featuring, what they describe as,  breath-taking videos, poetry, sermon outlines, prayers, song suggestions and all-age activities, some materials closely follow the Revised Common Lectionary while others are perennial.  Explore the resources, here jpit.uk/creation.

URC minister David Coleman, Chaplain with EcoCongregation Scotland, has curated an online resource to support congregations in celebrating Season of Creation. With lectionary notes, prayers, poems, and location videos, there is a variety of writers and media for you to use in whatever way is most encouraging for your own church and community.

Access the free Season of Creation resources. Please email David with any questions.

Finally, Neil Thorogood has kindly prepared intercessions for next Sunday which can be seen here.

With every good wish


The Rev’d Andy Braunston
Minister for Digital Worship