Ash Wednesday 2016 – 01 – Opening Prayer

God of this Lenten season, you prepare our hearts for the coming sacrifice.
You are the one who changed the world with your costly gift on the cruel cross:
God, whom we adore, we come before you to be changed.
You healed our darkness with the flood of Easter light;
Blossoming out of the barren landscape of Lent:
God, whom we adore, we come before you to be healed.
We worship you as the one who is worthy of all adoration,
Who alone can prepare us for the coming days:
God, whom we adore, we come before you to be prepared.
Giver of all, our Guide and Provider,
Let our fast be acceptable as we proclaim your glory:
God, whom we adore, we come before you to give you all honour and praise.

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