Musical interludes

Musical Pieces

Dear Friends

for the last two years we’ve been very fortunate to have pieces of organ music to start and end our Daily Devotion services which have been played by Brian Cotterill from Farnham.  It would be good to be able to add to the lovely collection of pieces that Brian has prepared for us and I wonder if any of you are musicians who are able to make good quality recordings of:

  • pieces of music of between 90 and 120 seconds
  • on a piano, organ, flute or other instrument
  • with a range of styles and feelings – we’d like to start these in Advent so pieces of Advent and then Christmas music would be great.
  • where you waive your rights for a royalty fee

If you’re able to help please drop me an email and we can discuss further.

with every good wish


Minister for Digital Worship