The story of a survivor of the genocide in Darfur read by a Holocaust survivor is a powerful reminder that the Holocaust is not just something of the past, but shapes our experiences of the now. On the following few posts, we will hear some stories, read some words and spend a short time thinking […]
re-lite: Holocaust Memorial Day 2016 – Theme introduction
Today’s session is focused on the topic of Holocaust Memorial Day, which is marked annually on the 27th January. Established to keep alive the memory of the Holocaust, the day seeks also to highlight the atrocities of genocide and to bring to mind the pain and suffering that goes on even today. During our time […]
re-lite: Holocaust Memorial Day 2016 – Introduction
A warm welcome to everyone viewing this online. We hope it it proves interesting and thought provoking. Please let us have comments back via the links at the end. re-lite is a themed set of sessions occurring every two months where we have opportunity to engage with a different selection of issues in a format […]
re-lite: Holocaust Memorial Day 2016
Join us on 24th January 2016 from 7.30pm for our next re-lite event. Time to remember not just the millions of people murdered in the Holocaust, under Nazi Persecution, but also the subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia, and Darfur. On Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) we honour the survivors of these regimes and challenge ourselves […]
re-lite: World Aids Day 2015
Words, music and reflection around HIV/AIDS, as part of a global series of events marking World AIDS Day (1st December 2015). Sunday, 29th November 2015, 7:30pm Drinks and socialising afterwards No charge, but red ribbons will be available and donations to the National Aids Trust would be appreciated.
Chess Club
relite – World Aids Day 2015
The first thinking space for re-lite will be filled by words, music and reflection on the effects of and those affected by HIV, as part of a global series of events surrounding World Aids Day (1st December 2015). We’ll post more details in the coming weeks, but put a date in your diary on 29th […]
Welcome to re-lite
re-lite is a new project bringing a space to listen, learn, reflect and engage with others, based around themes and events such as World Aids Day and Holocaust Memorial Day. Sessions will be open, relaxed and informal – come as you are and bring who you want. The sessions are open to all and especially those […]
Photographs of Matthew’s Ordination and Induction
We’ve just uploaded a selection of photographs from the service of Ordination and Induction of Matthew Prevett as our new Minister to the gallery – check them out here:
Ordination of Matthew Prevett as Minister of St. Andrew’s
We are pleased to announce the service of ordination of Matthew Prevett as Minister of Word and Sacraments in the United Reformed Church and his induction to serve St. Andrew’s URC and in the URC Northern Synod. The service is to take place on Saturday 26th September 2015 from 2.00pm. For full details, please see […]