In the spring of the year, the time when kings go out to battle, David sent Joab with his officers and all Israel with him; they ravaged the Ammonites, and besieged Rabbah. But David remained at Jerusalem. It happened, late one afternoon, when David rose from his couch and was walking about on the roof […]
Daily Devotion 13th November 2018
Then King David went in and sat before the Lord, and said, ‘Who am I, O Lord God, and what is my house, that you have brought me thus far? And yet this was a small thing in your eyes, O Lord God; you have spoken also of your servant’s house for a great while […]
Praying the Way with Matthew, Mark, Luke & John
Dear <<First Name>> The Rev’d Terry Hinks, one of our regular writers, and minister of Trinity Church High Wycombe and Cores End URC, has written a book of reflections entitled Praying the Way with Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. This is published by the Bible Reading Fellowship and priced at £10.99. It is a collection of prayers and reflections, […]
Daily Devotion 11th November 2018
Endow the king with justice, LORD,The royal son with righteousness.Your people, your afflicted ones,He’ll judge with truth and uprightness. The mountains will bring peace to them,The hills the fruit of righteousness.He will defend and save the poor,And crush all those who them oppress. As long as sun and moon endure,So will he live time without […]
Saturday 10th November Matthew Prevett
When out of poverty is borna dream that will not die,and landless, weary folk find strengthto stand with heads held high,it’s then we learn from those who waitto greet the promised day,‘The Lord is coming; don’t lose heart.Be blest: prepare the way!’ When people wander far from God,forget to share their bread,they find their wealth […]
Daily Devotion 9th November 2018
Comfort, comfort now my people;speak of peace – so says your God.Comfort those who sit in darkness,burdened by a heavy load.To Jerusalem proclaim:God shall take away your shame.Now get ready to recover;guilt and suffering are over Hear the herald’s proclamationin the desert far and near,calling all to true repentance,telling that the Lord is near.Oh, that […]
Daily Devotion 8th November 2018
Come and see the shining hope that Christ’s apostle saw;on the earth, confusion but in heaven an open door,where the living creatures praise the Lamb for evermore:Love has the victory for ever! Amen, he comes! to bring his own reward!Amen, praise God! for justice now restored;kingdoms of the world become the kingdom of the Lord:Love […]
Daily Devotion 7th November 2018
Praise to the God who clears the waypreparing room and space;for power and pride will lose their swayas peace comes in their place. Praise to the God who comes to judgethe truth of word and deed,who calls our minds and wills to change,rebuking wealth and greed. Praise to the God who waits with usfor hope […]
Daily Devotion 6th November 2018
Light of the world,You step down into darknessOpened my eyes let me seeBeauty that madethis heart adore youhope of a life spent with you So here I am to worshipHere I am to bow downHere I am to say that you’re my GodYou’re altogether lovelyAltogether worthyAltogether wonderful to me King of all daysOh so highly […]
Daily Devotion 5th November 2018
Hills of the North, rejoice,river and mountain-spring,hark to the advent voice;valley and lowland, sing.Christ comes in righteousness and love,he brings salvation from above. 2 Isles of the Southern seas,sing to the listening earth,carry on every breezehope of a world’s new birth:In Christ shall all be made anew,his word is sure, his promise true. 3 Lands […]